Caroline Norton – Family Law’s Forgotten Heroine
Every young girl should learn the name of Caroline Norton.
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- divorce
!09/03/2022 08:59
Giving the Court Information to Make a Consent Order: the New D81
The English family court adopts a curious position when it comes to making an order agreed by the parties. Some countries will accept a written agreement as equivalent to an order and ask no more, with some countries even dispensing with independent legal…
- Blog
- Consent Orders
!09/03/2022 08:00
Hasan v Ul-Hasan (deceased) & Anor [2021] EWHC 1791 (Fam): The Implications of Death on Divorce and Financial Remedies
'In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.' -- Benjamin Franklin, November 1817'Death, taxes and childbirth! There's never any convenient time for any of them.' -- Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind, 1936IntroductionThe d…
- Blog
- divorce
!01/03/2022 09:00
The Treatment of Soft Loans in Financial Remedy Proceedings
IntroductionOn 10 February 2022, while delivering judgment in the case of P v Q [2022] EWFC B9, between P, 'the wife', and Q, 'the husband' HHJ Edward Hess gave guidance on the treatment of soft loans in financial remedy proceedings. This guidance is rele…
- Blog
- Loans
!21/02/2022 17:12
The Real Divorce Day
As many of you will know, the media have named the first working Monday in January 'divorce day' where apparently family lawyers receive the highest number of enquiries in respect of divorce. Some Solicitors have jumped on this bandwagon and used this as…
- Blog
!11/02/2022 09:00
The New Non-Muslim Family Law of Abu Dhabi
There have been some significant changes in the law in Abu Dhabi in recent times. Most notable is the creation of the non-Muslim Family Court which, for those resident in Abu Dhabi, provides a secular alternative to the otherwise Sharia Law led application of family law.
- Blog
!11/02/2022 09:00
Experts, capping of fees, indemnities and the slip rule: Loggie v Loggie [2022] EWFC 2
On 27 January 2022 Mostyn J published his decision in the 'very unfortunate case' of Loggie v Loggie [2022] EWFC 2 (in its ninth year of litigation). The decision is must read for FR practitioners. There are lessons to be learned.The 'Indemnity' Applicati…
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- slip rule
- Experts
!10/02/2022 09:00