Cryptoasset Fraud and Recovery - Disclosure and Constructive Trusteeship Through Knowledge / Assistance: The (Financial) Empire Strikes Back
Since HHJ Pelling KC was persuaded to make, amongst other orders, without notice Bankers Trust Orders against two Binance entities in 2021 requiring them to disclose their Know Your Customer details of those alleged to have committed a fraud against the Claimant, there have been many subsequent applications for similar orders against cryptoasset exchanges brought by those who have suffered fraudulent deprivation of their assets.
- Blog
- Crypto
!31/05/2023 10:57
Cryptocurrency and Taxation
This blog post aims to highlight some of the tax considerations in ‘crypto cases’. It hopes to act as a complementary piece to the earlier article by Ben Fearnley, 'Cryptoassets – Still an Enigma'.
- Blog
- Crypto
!21/02/2023 13:44
Cryptocurrency and the Family Courts – Some International Experiences
Millions of people around the globe have funds in cryptocurrencies, with billions of dollars now invested. The nature of these funds is invariably secretive and non-national based. They present distinctive challenges for family courts around the world in ascertaining what are the overall assets in order to produce a fair outcome.
- Journal
- Crypto
!26/01/2023 14:43
Crypto – Update
The Law Commission's work on digital assets continues.
- Blog
- Crypto
!18/01/2023 09:00
Cryptoassets – Disarray and Definition
Another interesting week in the world of crypto.
- Blog
- Crypto
!14/11/2022 11:12
Cryptoassets – Still an Enigma?
or Alice and Bob’s Adventures in Cryptoland: understanding the basics of crypto – a roadmap for the uninitiatedAs at October 2022, the time of writing this article, the market capital of Bitcoin is US$400 billion, down from a high of US$870 bi…
- Journal
- Crypto
!13/10/2022 12:51
Family Law Using Crypto Service?
England and Wales as a jurisdiction has been at the cutting-edge of using technology for the benefit of the justice system. The High Court in civil proceedings has just allowed service of proceedings via a non-fungible token (NFT). When and in what circumstances might that be appropriate in family law? The authors look at this developing jurisdiction.
- Blog
- NFTs
- Service
- Crypto
!05/08/2022 17:00