A (former wife) v A (former husband) [2023] EWFC 412 January 2023
Recorder Laura Moys. Helpful approach to case management with exceptionally difficult LiP.W was 57, H 59. They separated after 30 years of marriage, producing one child (now aged 30). The assets were worth £1.3m. W was a manager at her local county counci…
- Cases
- Managing Difficult Hearings
- Conduct
A Wife v A Husband [2022] EWFC 1546 December 2022
HHJ Vincent. Consent order provided for W to receive lump sum in instalments for purpose of housing herself and the children, and spousal and child periodical payments. W relocated and sought accelerated receipt. Further consent order provided for this, b…
- Cases
- Child Maintenance
- Conduct
- Costs
- Variation Applications
- Cohabitation of Recipient of Spousal Maintenance
XO v YO & Anor [2022] EWFC 11422 September 2022
HHJ Hess. Financial remedies decision concerning whether English court had jurisdiction to determine a claim in respect of immovable property situated outside England where the claim is based on equity; and can adverse inferences be drawn from a party’s f…
- Cases
- Foreign Assets
- Disclosure
- Jurisdiction
- Conduct
- Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and Their Recognition
X v Y [2022] EWFC 9515 August 2022
HHJ Hess. Financial remedy judgment in which the wife’s capital claims were adjourned for a decade in view of dishonest fabrication of bank statements by H and uncertainty as to assets. Judgment published ‘to draw wider attention to the abilit…
- Cases
- Adjourned Capital Claim
- Disclosure
- Conduct
X v C [2022] EWFC 7912 July 2022
HHJ Farquhar.Modest asset financial remedy case published as part of commitment to publication of court judgments at all levels. Assets comprised FMH H’s sole name, net equity c.£258k; a house owned by W and her former husband in which the latt…
- Cases
- Publicity and Confidentiality
- Housing Need
- Pensions on Divorce
- Conduct
- Tax
- Section 25(1) First Consideration
- Needs
A Short Childless Marriage Lasting Just Months – an Award Too High?
Analysis of VV v VV – Peel J.
- Blog
- Conduct
- Premarital Cohabitation
!28/06/2022 15:12
VV v VV [2022] EWFC 4113 May 2022
Peel J.Acrimonious and expensive financial remedy proceedings including discussion of premarital cohabitation and engagement, their effect on sharing, and conduct. Parties were both 57, married since Jan 2020, separating in June 2020. No children. W sough…
- Cases
- Sharing Principle
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Conduct
- Needs
- Premarital Cohabitation
D v D (Financial Remedy Case) [2020] EWFC B2420 May 2022
DJ John Smart.Rare reported modest asset case. Identification of needs in a marriage that, with prior cohab, had lasted only 10 months. Parties aged 51 and 49. Modest assets, almost all brought into the marriage by H, including the FMH in H’s sole name an…
- Cases
- Duration of the Marriage
- Spousal Maintenance (Quantum)
- Conduct
- Clean Breaks and Term Maintenance
- Needs
VV v VV [2022] EWFC 4617 May 2022
Peel J.Costs judgment following outcome of acrimonious and expensive financial remedy proceedings (summary here. W’s award included what H had paid already towards her legal costs (£400k) plus sufficient to discharge her outstanding legal costs (£237,000)…
- Cases
- Conduct
- Costs
Traharne v Limb [2022] EWFC 2731 March 2022
Cohen J. Final hearing in W’s financial remedies application in which argument centred on a post-nuptial agreement (PNA) entered into by the parties shortly prior to separation. W argued that she had been subjected to coercive and controlling behaviour an…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Conduct
- Costs
- Needs