H v W [2023] EWFC 12014 July 2023
HHJ Reardon KC. This case concerns cross-applications regarding a final financial remedy order made in May 2021 (the 2021 order) by Recorder Anderson. This included an application by H for a further lump sum to compensate him for losses due to W’s a…
- Cases
- 'Thwaite Jurisdiction'
- Conduct
- Delay
- Costs
- Striking Out Applications
- Cross-Applications
- Compensation Principle
- Enforcement
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
CC v LC [2023] EWFC 5210 March 2023
HHJ Wildblood KC. Final hearing in a needs case in which the assets available were limited to a three bedroom property, which housed the W and the three minor children of the marriage. In addition, each party held pensions of a similar value.The H had ref…
- Cases
- Disclosure
- Conduct
- Costs
- Needs
Rose v Rose & Ors [2022] EWFC 19225 November 2022
His Honour Judge Booth (sitting as a Judge of the High Court pursuant to s 9 SCA 1981).How should the court ‘deal with a respondent husband who has been dishonest throughout, has failed to comply with court orders, has failed to provide relevant fin…
- Cases
- Conduct
- Variation of Settlements
- Trusts
S v S (Conduct: Pensions) [2022] EWFC 17611 March 2023
HHJ Robinson. Financial remedy proceedings involving a police officer who was convicted of serious offences including rape of his W. H pension was permanently deducted by 1% following proceedings brought by his Local Police and Crime Commissioner. The…
- Cases
- Pensions on Divorce
- Conduct
Xanthopoulos v Rakshina [2023] EWFC 504 April 2023
Sir Jonathan Cohen. The latest and, one hopes, final episode in a legal saga involving financial remedy, jurisdiction and children litigation spaning 60 hearings between Russia and England, in which H alone had sought counsel and legal advice from 7 firms…
- Cases
- Conduct
- Companies
- Costs
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
- Professional Ethics
- Legal Services Payment Orders
X v Y, Re Z (No. 4 Schedule 1 award) [2023] EWFC 257 March 2023
Mr Justice Cobb. M’s application under Schedule 1 for financial provision from F, who lives in the USA, for Zoe who is 2 years 4 months old and suffers from Williams Syndrome. Zoe also has a congenital heart defect and displays global developmental…
- Cases
- Conduct
- Children Act 1989 Schedule 1 Applications
- Enforcement
MN v AN [2023] EWHC 613 (Fam)10 March 2023
Moor J. H’s application that W show cause why she should not be held to the terms of a 2005 (pre-Radmacher) prenuptial agreement. H’s premarital assets £32.5 million and W’s £62,000. Negotiations through leading solicitors resu…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Conduct
DP v EP (Conduct; Economic Abuse; Needs) [2023] EWFC 610 January 2023
HHJ Madeleine Reardon. Finding of economic abuse and consideration of whether it met the level of s 25 conduct.Parties aged 49 (W) and 59 (H), married 1994, separated 2018, children adults. Marriage void for W’s bigamy, but with no findings made and…
- Cases
- Economic Abuse
- Conduct
- Costs
- Needs
- Add-Backs
Economic Abuse as ‘Conduct’
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 (‘DAA 2021’) which came into force on 1 October 2021 created statutory definitions of specific forms of abusive behaviour. ‘Economic abuse’ is defined in s 1(4) as ‘any behaviour that has a substantial adverse effect on B’…
- Blog
- Economic Abuse
- Conduct
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G v G (Confiscation Order: Conduct) [2023] EWFC 1626 January 2023
HHJ Robinson. The Husband ('H') was 53, the Wife ('W') 50. Having cohabited from 1999 and married in 2006, the parties had two children of ages 15 and 11. W was a secretary but a debilitating illness precluded her from working. H was a doctor before he wa…
- Cases
- Conduct