MS v FS (No. 3) [2023] EWFC 245 (B)23 December 2023
DDJ Mehta. This was a final hearing in a financial remedy application by H where arguments surrounding jurisdiction following remarriage, and conduct, were raised.
- Cases
- Remarriage
- Jurisdiction
- Conduct
- Needs
Wife v Husband [2023] EWFC 273 (B)6 June 2023
DJ Masters. Small money case heard by a district judge. Final hearing where H dissipated inheritance received during the marriage.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Needs
WC v HC [2022] EWFC 4011 May 2022
Peel J: costs awarded in needs case reducing substantive award.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Costs
- Needs
PF v QF [2024] EWFC 10 (B)15 January 2024
HHJ Reardon. Application to strike out W’s FR claim resulting from her bigamy (ex turpi causa).
- Cases
- Void Marriage
- Conduct
- Ex Turpi Causa
- Striking Out Applications
JN v GN [2023] EWFC 24421 November 2023
DJ Hatvany. Final hearing of wife’s financial remedy application in a small money case.
- Cases
- Mortgages
- Housing Need
- Conduct
- Delay
- Costs
- Inheritance
O v O [2023] EWFC 1611 October 2023
Recorder Laura Moys. Non-matrimonial assets, wanton dissipation, maintenance, plus interesting point re school fees trust.
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Conduct
- Efficient Conduct
- Add-Backs
Seales v Seales (Ancillary Relief: Murder and Coercive Control as Conduct) [2023] NIMaster 629 August 2023
Ancillary relief application in which the W was seeking to run a ‘conduct case’ based, in part, on the H’s conviction for murder.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Costs
- Add-Backs
Lazaros Panagiotis Xanthopoulos v Alla Alexsandrovna Rakshina [2023] EWFC 15826 September 2023
Peel J granted the husband’s application for a legal services payment order to allow him to pursue his appeal in this long-running case.
- Cases
- Jurisdiction
- Conduct
- Appeals
- Legal Services Payment Orders
Susan Nancy Baker v Andrew Hartill Baker [2023] EWFC 13611 August 2023
Final hearing of W’s financial remedies claim, in which the main issue was whether H should be held to the terms of a separation agreement executed by the parties in New York in 2015.
- Cases
- Disclosure
- Conduct
- Separation Agreement
- Costs
Tsvetkov v Khayrova [2023] EWFC 130 and [2023] EWFC 131 (costs)4 August 2023
Peel J. Final Hearing of H’s Financial Remedy application.
- Cases
- Chattels
- Publicity and Confidentiality
- Conduct
- Costs
- Tax
- Add-Backs