GA v EL [2023] EWFC 20627 November 2023
Stephen Trowell KC as deputy High Court judge. Final hearing where the sole issue was how to divide proceeds of sale of a business.
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Post-Separation Accrual
- Experts
- Valuations
AFW v RFH [2023] EWFC 11920 July 2023
Recorder Laura Moys. Enforcement of order for sale and PSO.
- Cases
- Chattels
- Sale of Property
- Anonymity
- Variation of an Order
- Delay
- Costs
- Variation Applications
- Valuations
- Enforcement
- Non-Compliance
CG v SG [2023] EWHC 942 (Fam)10 March 2023
HHJ Hess. A final hearing in financial remedy proceedings heard over six days.Both parties were in their sixties and had a long marriage of 30 years. The children were all adult and independent. During the marriage, the W, a qualified nurse, had taken on…
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Experts
- Companies
- Costs
- Valuations
DR v UG [2023] EWFC 685 April 2023
Moor J. The parties were Danish. H was aged 57 and W aged 49. Children aged 18, 16, and 16. Married 2004, marriage broke down in 2019.H was CEO of a drugs manufacturer but staged a management buy-out which gave him 70% shares. His purchase was funded…
- Cases
- Sharing Principle
- Special Contribution
- Delay
- Valuations
EK v DK & Ors [2023] EWHC 1829 (Fam)11 May 2023
Mr Justice Francis. Application by W to set aside consent order dated March 2018 on basis of H’s non-disclosure.This was a long marriage with three teenage/young adult children at the time of separation. The Trustees of two trusts, the LK (No 2 Sett…
- Cases
- Variation of Settlements
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Consent Orders
- Liquidity
- Valuations
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
- Trusts
Depletion of Business Profits and Assets During Separation and Divorce Proceedings – Would it Have Happened Anyway?
This article is written from the perspective of the business valuation expert. We often see business profits and assets deplete over the period of separation and during divorce proceedings. The question is to what extent this can/could have been controlled by the business owner (and usually shareholder/director in owner-managed businesses) and what was due to circumstances outside their control. Would the depletion of assets and profits have happened anyway if not for the divorce?
- Journal
- Disclosure
- divorce
- Experts
- Business Valuation
- Assets
- Valuations
!27/03/2023 09:17
Clarke v Clarke – A Brave New (Valuation) World
Business valuers are often asked to estimate the value of interests in companies that do not represent the entirety of the company’s share capital. In those cases, the application of an appropriate valuation discount, which accurately reflects the attributes of a subject shareholding can be both a contentious and material issue, with the size (and application) of the assessed discount potentially having a large effect on the overall valuation of an individual’s interest.
- Journal
- Experts
- Discounts
- Valuations
- Forensic Accountants
!27/03/2023 09:16
Clarke v Clarke [2022] EWHC 2698 (Fam)28 October 2022
Mostyn J. Appeal by W against the judgment and order of HHJ Farqhuar on three grounds. One, whether the order should provide for W to receive a minimum sum from the net proceeds of sale of the FMH. This was not strongly advanced by W and became irrelevant…
- Cases
- Companies
- Appeals
- Valuations
Valuing Pensions on Divorce: CMX v EJX
Cases involving pension commentary are rare from the Family Court at High Court level, and so it was with great interest I found myself digesting the judgment by Moor J in the recent case of CMX v EJX (French Marriage Contract) [2022] EWFC 136…
- Blog
- Pensions on Divorce
- Valuations
!13/12/2022 13:45
DE v FE [2022] EWFC 711 July 2022
Cohen J.Financial remedies claim. Parties in their forties, three young children, length of marriage c.13 years. Both parties had worked hard in the financial sector. FMH was pre-owned by H. Parties lived there together for 18–24 months before renting it…
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Duration of the Marriage
- Valuations