Absence of Authority?
In all the debate about ‘transparency’ of family proceedings, sight is almost invariably lost of the signal feature of a court case: it is among the more significant interactions in our polity between a citizen and an organ of the state. Secret dealings between state courts and private citizens are, as Lord Shaw said in Scott v Scott, an attack upon the very foundations of public and private security.
- Blog
- Transparency
- Publicity and Confidentiality
!01/09/2024 21:38
What’s the Point of a Judgment? Examples, Authorities and the Panopticon
What is the point of a court judgment, and to whom is it actually directed? In the past, there were three main reasons for a judgment: the first two concern the parties and (depending on your views about transparency) could be dealt with privately; the third, when it arose, required publication of the judgment. Now there is a fourth reason: transparency.
- Blog
- Transparency
!02/05/2024 15:48
Multiplied Propagation
Between 30 September 2023 and 1 April 2024, 24 financial remedy judgments which were not mainly about the maintenance of children (and therefore not protected by s 12 of the Administration of Justice Act 1960) were placed on Bailii. None of these was governed by the Financial Remedy Pilot, but only one was published without anonymisation.
- Blog
- Transparency
!08/04/2024 10:51
Maintenance for a Disabled Adult Child: A Case of Legal Blogging
Given the announcement of a new Financial Remedies Court reporting pilot, Polly Morgan discusses the process of legal blogging: the rules around accessing the hearing, the practicalities of reporting, the framework for controlling what can be reported, and the drafting of a reporting restriction order.
- Journal
- Transparency
- Publicity and Confidentiality
- Maintenance
!13/03/2024 07:00
Financial Remedy Proceedings Transparency Reporting Pilot: Launch date 29 January 2024
Those who have appeared in Children Act cases in Leeds, Cardiff or Carlisle in the last 12 months will have encountered the transparency pilot scheme established in those courts in January 2023. The essence of the Financial Remedies Court reporting pilot is the same.
- Journal
- Transparency
- Publicity and Confidentiality
!13/03/2024 07:00
Groundhog Day Again: A Response to The Transparency Reporting Pilot for Financial Remedy Proceedings
Sir James Munby writes about The Transparency Reporting Pilot for Financial Remedy Proceedings.
- Journal
- Transparency
- Publicity and Confidentiality
!26/01/2024 08:00
Are We Clear? Transparency and the TIG Financial Remedies Sub-Group Report
The conclusions of the Financial Remedies Sub-Group of the Transparency Implementation Group were published in April 2023. Established by the President of Family Division and led by HHJ Stuart Farquhar, a group of 13 – judges, lawyers, a legal blogger and a journalist, based around the country – spent countless hours over several months tackling the often misunderstood and controversial topic of transparency in the Financial Remedies Court.
- Journal
- Transparency
!21/11/2023 07:00
Groundhog Day: a Response to the Report of the Financial Remedies Sub-Group of the Transparency Implementation Group
The Financial Remedies Sub-Group of The Transparency Implementation Group, chaired by HHJ Farquhar, has produced its long-awaited Final Report, dated April 2023 but published in May 2023.
- Blog
- Transparency
!06/07/2023 08:46
Family Justice: Ostiis Apertis? Or a mantle of inviolable secrecy? A challenge to those who would keep the doors closed
Sir James Munby takes stock of important developments since the President published the outcome of his Transparency Review: Confidence and Confidentiality: Transparency in the Family Courts.
- Blog
- Transparency
!12/01/2023 15:51
Announcement: Financial Remedies Practice 2023/24
The authors are presently writing the 2023/24 edition, which is expected to be published by Class Publishing in April 2023.They have decided that the section of the Commentary on Part 27 concerning the applicability of the open justice principle to financ…
- Blog
- Transparency
- Open Justice
!09/01/2023 12:33