Rose v Rose & Ors [2022] EWFC 19225 November 2022
His Honour Judge Booth (sitting as a Judge of the High Court pursuant to s 9 SCA 1981).How should the court ‘deal with a respondent husband who has been dishonest throughout, has failed to comply with court orders, has failed to provide relevant fin…
- Cases
- Conduct
- Variation of Settlements
- Trusts
(1) Dixon (2) Dixon v The Crown Estate Commissioners [2022] EWHC 325622 December 2022
Judge Hodge KC. The claimants sought vesting orders in respect of two properties, following the striking off and dissolution of the company (in which the claimants had previously been shareholders) which was the registered proprietor. The Crown disclaimed…
- Cases
- Companies
- Proprietary Estoppel
- Trusts
Oil on Troubled Waters
Hudson v Hathway [2022] EWCA Civ 1648 is another dispute in the seemingly never-ending conveyor-belt of cases about real ownership of a home. The property – Picnic House – (the litigation being anything but a picnic) was upon its acquisition i…
- Blog
- Property
- Land
- Trusts
!05/01/2023 23:12
ARQ v YAQ [2022] EWFC 12819 May 2022
Moor J. H was a highly successful retired businessman. He married W in 2005 in what was an entirely conventional second marriage. Alongside a significant portfolio of assets, H owned a sheep and cattle farm in Country C, named 'BT'. In 2010, the parties m…
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Tax
- Needs
- Trusts
- Add-Backs
HA v WA v BV [2022] EWFC 11027 September 2022
Sir Jonathan Cohen. Issue between the parties in relation to beneficial ownership of a property held in the W’s sole name. H’s case was that the property belonged legally and beneficially to the W, where the W’s case was that the property was beneficially…
- Cases
- Trusts
Hudson v Hathway [2022] EWHC 631 (QB)
Before I sat down to read Hudson v Hathway [2022] EWHC 631 (QB) and write this blog, I was primed ready to come up with a flashy introductory sentence. Something along the lines of, “once in a generation something so monumental happens in the Law of…
- Blog
- Trusts
!04/05/2022 13:30
A v V [2022] EWHC 3501 (Fam)8 July 2022
Mr Justice Francis. A ‘relatively straightforward’ application pursuant to Schedule 1. F’s costs were c.£3.8m and M’s were £1.7m, despite F attending the final hearing as a litigant in person. F ran the millionaire’…
- Cases
- Millionaire's Defence
- Costs
- Children Act 1989 Schedule 1 Applications
- Trusts
Munir [2021] EWHC 278 (Ch)15 February 2021
- Cases
- Trusts
Tchenguiz-Imerman v Imerman [2012] EWHC 4277 (Fam)20 June 2012
- Cases
- Trusts
Gadhavi v Gadhavi [2015] EWCA Civ 52023 April 2015
- Cases
- Foreign Assets
- Needs
- Trusts