The Husband v The Wife [2024] EWFC 64 (B)15 March 2024
HHJ Willans. Needs case involving impressive parties with strong and opposing views over what has happened and what constitutes a fair outcome.
- Cases
- Sale of Property
- Needs
Quantifying Periodical Payments by Reference to the Needs Principle: Surveying the Wood Not the Trees
Tensions between competing propositions in financial remedy cases are not unusual. Is there also tension when determining the quantum of the applicant’s budget?
- Blog
- Periodical Payments
- Needs
!28/03/2024 11:43
SP v QR [2024] EWFC 57 (B)12 March 2024
HHJ Hess. Schedule 1 application with a ‘more modest’ asset base regarding residence in a property subject to a mortgage and ‘top-up’ maintenance for a disabled child.
- Cases
- Housing Need
- Child Maintenance
- Needs of a Disabled Child
- Costs
- Children Act 1989 Schedule 1 Applications
- Child Support
- 'Top-up' Maintenance
- Needs
- Child's Needs
BL v OR [2023] EWFC 229 (Fam)7 December 2023
Sir Jonathan Cohen. Final hearing involving a prenuptial agreement in circumstances where W had transferred her property, which amounted to W parting with the bulk of her assets.
- Cases
- Housing Need
- Agreements
- Duxbury Capitalisation
- Needs
LMZ v AMZ [2024] EWFC 2812 February 2024
Moor J. A striking age difference, 48 years between the parties, gives rise to a strong needs-based claim.
- Cases
- Foreign Assets
- Life Expectancy
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Housing Need
- Companies
- Needs
- Valuations
TYB v CAR (Non-Disclosure) [2023] EWFC 261 (B)16 December 2023
DDJ Hodson. What does the court do with the non-discloser? Final hearing involving a short marriage with a child almost four.
- Cases
- Non-Disclosure
- Adverse Inferences
- Disclosure
- Costs
- Form E
- Needs
- Non-Compliance
MS v FS (No. 3) [2023] EWFC 245 (B)23 December 2023
DDJ Mehta. This was a final hearing in a financial remedy application by H where arguments surrounding jurisdiction following remarriage, and conduct, were raised.
- Cases
- Remarriage
- Jurisdiction
- Conduct
- Needs
Wife v Husband [2023] EWFC 273 (B)6 June 2023
DJ Masters. Small money case heard by a district judge. Final hearing where H dissipated inheritance received during the marriage.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Needs
WC v HC [2022] EWFC 4011 May 2022
Peel J: costs awarded in needs case reducing substantive award.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Costs
- Needs
A v B (In the matter of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984) [2023] EWFC 241 (B)19 January 2024
HHJ Evans-Gordon. MFPA 1984 Part III. Distribution of the proceeds of sale of a property in England following an overseas divorce.
- Cases
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
- Needs