Tousi v Gaydukova [2024] EWCA Civ 2036 March 2024
McFarlane P, Moylan and Holroyde LJJ. Are the parties to a void marriage able to apply for a transfer of tenancy as cohabitants, and does the lex loci celebrationis determine the ramifications of invalidity?
- Cases
- Non-Qualifying Ceremony
- Validity of marriage
- Jurisdiction
- Locus Lex Celebrationis
- Void Marriage
- Transfer of Tenancy
C v D (No 2) (2007 Hague Convention) [2024] EWFC 3627 February 2024
MacDonald J underlines the limited circumstances in which the registration of a maintenance order pursuant to the Hague Convention 2007 may be appealed successfully.
- Cases
- Jurisdiction
- Child Maintenance
- International Enforcement
- Child Support
VS v KS [2023] EWHC 3475 (Fam)20 November 2023
Arbuthnot J. H’s application for a stay of the financial remedy proceedings in favour of proceedings in Monaco.
- Cases
- Jurisdiction
MS v FS (No. 3) [2023] EWFC 245 (B)23 December 2023
DDJ Mehta. This was a final hearing in a financial remedy application by H where arguments surrounding jurisdiction following remarriage, and conduct, were raised.
- Cases
- Remarriage
- Jurisdiction
- Conduct
- Needs
Mahtani v Mahtani [2023] EWHC 2988 (Fam)22 November 2023
Mr James Ewins KC sitting as a deputy High Court judge. Application by W for an order under s 51(3) of the Family Law Act 1986, for non-recognition of the overseas divorce obtained by H in Indonesia and for a stay on her English divorce petition and financial remedies application to be lifted.
- Cases
- Family Law Act 1986
- Jurisdiction
- Non-Recognition of Overseas Divorce
- Divorce Orders
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
Dickson v Rennie: Right or Wrong
Can the court determine it has jurisdiction to order child maintenance even when there isn't a maximum CMS assessment in force?
- Blog
- Jurisdiction
- Child Maintenance
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A Wife v A Husband [2023] EWFC 2009 November 2023
HHJ Willans. Financial remedy application involving a single issue, namely, what were W’s housing needs and how should those needs be funded.
- Cases
- Agreements
- Jurisdiction
- Children Act 1989 Schedule 1 Applications
- Debts
- Needs
Lazaros Panagiotis Xanthopoulos v Alla Alexsandrovna Rakshina [2023] EWFC 15826 September 2023
Peel J granted the husband’s application for a legal services payment order to allow him to pursue his appeal in this long-running case.
- Cases
- Jurisdiction
- Conduct
- Appeals
- Legal Services Payment Orders
J v A [2023] EWFC 13221 July 2023
H's application for a stay of the English divorce proceedings commenced by W, in favour of his competing Nigerian divorce petition.
- Cases
- Forum Conveniens
- divorce
- Jurisdiction
- Domicile
AW v AH [2022] EWFC 19511 August 2022
Deputy District Judge Michael Horton QC. The reserved judgment at a final hearing for financial relief under Part III of the 1984 Act. Short marriage of 3 years including cohabitation, one child of the family aged 3.5 living with the wife (AW) in England.…
- Cases
- Publicity and Confidentiality
- Jurisdiction
- Divorce Jurisdiction Post-Brexit
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act