HHJ Farquhar. Straightforward financial remedy proceedings continued an additional 2½ years after the agreement at the FDR. Significant litigation misconduct, far beyond acceptable standards, resulting in striking delay and wasted costs orders; criticism also of conduct of W’s solicitor. The judgment provides useful guidance on anonymisation in financial remedy judgments where there is litigation misconduct.
District Judge Crisp. Final Hearing in FR case involving which party should keep the family dog, a golden retriever puppy, ‘N’.
HHJ Willans. Final hearing concerning the enforcement of a school fees order.
Sir Jonathan Cohen. Jurisdiction dispute concerning (i) whether the courts of England and Wales have jurisdiction to entertain W’s divorce application; and (ii) whether, if there is jurisdiction, England and Wales is the forum conveniens.
The 3rd edition of this handbook appeared in 2018, stating the law as at January 2018, and so a new 4th edition is to be heartily welcomed. The 7-year interval has seen two reports from the Pension Advisory Group (in 2019 and 2024), important reforms to pensions taxation legislation and changes to public sector pensions brought about by the McCloud litigation.
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