Joinder of Third Parties
Simon v (1) Simon (2) Integro Funding Limited (‘Level’) [2024] EWFC 1602 July 2024
Peel J. The last instalment in the *Simon v Simon & Level* family court litigation. Level’s civil claim is yet to be determined. Peel J found that the family court cannot make a distributive order upon application of an intervenor to require one party to pay the other party such sum as the third-party intervenor says it is entitled to.
- Cases
- Litigation Funding
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
SP v AL & Ors (by their Litigation Friend FL) [2024] EWFC 72 (B)8 March 2024
HHJ Hess. Final Hearing of W’s application for financial remedy, with H’s children from a previous marriage intervening via their mother as their litigation friend. Significant comments re pension sharing and apportionment.
- Cases
- Pensions on Divorce
- Loans
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Debts
The Incorporated Trustees of Great Calling Ministries Worldwide v (1) A Irabor (2) F Irabor [2024] EWHC 803 (Fam)11 April 2024
Sir Jonathan Cohen. Appeal by an intervener against a final order which included discharging an interim charging order on the FMH made in the intervenor’s favour and a payment of a lump sum which would prevent the recovery of the monies the intervenor alleged were owed to them.
- Cases
- Loans
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Debts
- Needs
Simon v (1) Simon (2) Integro Funding Limited (‘Level’) [2023] EWCA Civ 104815 September 2023
King LJ, Moylan LJ and Popplewell LJ. Appeal concerning the role of a litigation lender in financial remedy proceedings.
- Cases
- Litigation Funding
- Appeals
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
- Trusts
McLean v Mclean & Ors [2023] EWHC 1735 (Fam)10 July 2023
Roberts J. An appeal of a final order by the H and five companies of which the H was the sole or majority shareholder following a final hearing conducted in their absence.
- Cases
- Adverse Inferences
- Disclosure
- Companies
- Applications To Adjourn
- Appeals
- Joinder of Third Parties
EK v DK & Ors [2023] EWHC 1829 (Fam)11 May 2023
Mr Justice Francis. Application by W to set aside consent order dated March 2018 on basis of H’s non-disclosure.This was a long marriage with three teenage/young adult children at the time of separation. The Trustees of two trusts, the LK (No 2 Sett…
- Cases
- Variation of Settlements
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Consent Orders
- Liquidity
- Valuations
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
- Trusts
Bogolyubova v Bogolyubov & Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank "Privatbank" [2022] EWFC 19924 June 2022
Mr Justice Peel. Application by the Bank (i) to intervene in financial remedy proceedings, (ii) to stay those proceedings and for the court not to approve a financial consent order pending the outcome of a commercial dispute between the Bank, the husband…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Stay of Proceedings
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Consent Orders
Teasdale v Carter and Teasdale [2023] EWHC 490 (Fam)7 March 2023
Moor J. Appeal in farming estoppel case with astronomical costs far exceeding the value of the property in question.The first respondent, Ms Carter, was the elder daughter of the appellant mother and second respondent father. During the parents’ fin…
- Cases
- Costs
- Joinder of Third Parties
Simon v Simon & Level (Joinder) (Rev1) [2022] EWFC 2921 March 2022
Nicholas Cusworth QC. Convoluted procedural history in which a consent order was sealed by the court without knowledge of other relevant applications, and W received no liquid capital capable of being used to repay her litigation funder. Funder therefore…
- Cases
- Litigation Funding
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
Fisher Meredith v JH and PH (Financial Remedy: Appeal: Wasted Costs) [2012] EWHC 408 (Fam)2 March 2012
- Cases
- TOLATA Claims
- Interest
- Joinder of Third Parties
- First Appointments