GH v GH – FDRs Are Not to Be Dispensed With
If ever there were any doubts as to the importance of the FDR appointment and the parties’ attendance at one, then Mr Justice Peel has unequivocally put those doubts to rest in his judgment in GH v GH [2024] EWHC 2547 (Fam).
- Blog
- FDRs
!21/10/2024 22:38
GH v GH [2024] EWHC 2547 (Fam)
Peel J. In a narrow but important judgment, Peel J reminds all of the importance of an FDR, allowing an appeal against a decision of the first instance judge to proceed directly to a final hearing.
- Cases
- FDRs
- Financial Remedies Court (FRC)
- Appeals
- Efficient Conduct
!06/10/2024 21:22
DR Corner: Introducing Assent: Combining Arbitration and Private FDRs in a Streamlined Process based on the FPR Directions
Anyone who has tried to arrange a Private Financial Dispute Resolution (pFDR) will be familiar with that sinking feeling when the process is slipping away. It starts with a low-level dispute over the judge, the date or the location of the hearing. Then a seemingly innocuous question about disclosure…
- FDRs
- Mediation
- arbitration
- divorce
- DR Corner
- Costs
- Financial Remedies
- Private FDR
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
!01/07/2024 07:00
Xydhias, 25 Years On – What Exactly IS a Xydhias Agreement?
Practitioners will be familiar with the oft quoted phrase that ‘the court is not a rubber stamp’ (Kelley v Corston [1998] 1 FLR 986). The court must continue to exercise its discretion under s 25 MCA 1973 even when presented with an agreement between parties.
- Journal
- FDRs
- Agreements
- Negotiations
- Xydhias
- Consent Orders
!13/03/2024 07:00
DR Corner: The Drive for Gender Diversity in Private FDRs
Pressures on court time and the increasing use of remote courts over the COVID-19 pandemic have led to the increasing popularity and success of Private FDRs within (and instead of) financial remedy proceedings within the last 5 years.A Private FDR is a &l…
- Journal
- FDRs
- Unconscious Bias
- arbitration
- divorce
- Financial Remedies Court (FRC)
- Diversity
- DR Corner
- Financial Remedies
- Private FDR
- Efficient Conduct
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- First Appointments
!27/03/2023 09:50
Myerson No. 1 and FPR 9.17(2): What Can the FDR Judge Actually Do?
There has long been disagreement over what an FDR judge can – and cannot – do where agreement has not been reached between the parties and, in particular, whether he or she can (and if so should) make directions for a final hearing.By virtue of FPR 9.17(2…
- Blog
- FDRs
!09/01/2023 23:53
Out of the Shadows, into the Light. De-mystifying Private FDRs and Arbitration.
Barristers learn to do the job as a pupil by sitting with the pupil supervisor and watching how the job is done. Solicitors do much the same with a supervising solicitor. On first appointment to a judicial appointment, deputy judges or Recorders usually s…
- Blog
- FDRs
- arbitration
!23/05/2022 09:07
JP v NP [2014] EWHC 1101 (Fam)9 April 2014
- Cases
- FDRs
AS v CS (Private FDR) [2021] EWFC 3419 April 2021
- Cases
- FDRs
TL v ML & Ors (Ancillary Relief: Claim Against Assets of Extended Family) [2005] EWHC 2860 (Fam), [2006] 1 FCR 465, [2006] 1 FLR 12639 December 2005
- Cases
- FDRs
- Life Expectancy
- TLATA Applications
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Legal Services Payment Orders
- First Appointments