Divorce Orders
HK v SS [2025] EWFC 5 (B)14 January 2025
HHJ Simmonds, National Lead Judge for Divorce. Guidance on when a delay between conditional order being made, and application for a final order, is delay sufficient to cause the court to question whether a final order should be made.
- Cases
- Setting Aside a Decree Nisi
- Divorce Orders
RN v DA (Divorce – Rescission of Decree Nisi) [2023] EWFC 25530 November 2023
HHJ Vincent. Final Hearing of cross-applications to either grant a decree absolute out of time or rescind the decree nisi. Addendum judgment on anonymisation.
- Cases
- Decree Absolute Out Of Time
- Publicity and Confidentiality
- Setting Aside a Decree Nisi
- Divorce Orders
- Decree Nisi/Decree Final
- Rescission of Divorce Decree
Mahtani v Mahtani [2023] EWHC 2988 (Fam)22 November 2023
Mr James Ewins KC sitting as a deputy High Court judge. Application by W for an order under s 51(3) of the Family Law Act 1986, for non-recognition of the overseas divorce obtained by H in Indonesia and for a stay on her English divorce petition and financial remedies application to be lifted.
- Cases
- Family Law Act 1986
- Jurisdiction
- Non-Recognition of Overseas Divorce
- Divorce Orders
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act