QW v GH [2025] EWFC 19 (B)31 January 2025
DJ Worthley. Final hearing in a financial relief claim brought by W 8 years after the parties separated.
- Cases
- Post-Separation Accrual
- Jurisdiction
- Delay
RN v TT [2024] EWFC 264 (B)14 June 2024
HHJ Hess. W (51) and H (49) cohabited in a flat in W’s sole name from late 2003 and married in 2004. W was a GP. H was a former painter and decorator.
- Cases
- Pensions on Divorce
- Delay
- Needs
Williams v Williams [2024] EWHC 733 (Fam)10 April 2024
Sir Andrew McFarlane P. Erroneous application for a final order of divorce made by the solicitors for the applicant wife, in absence of the instruction or authority of their client.
- Cases
- Delay
- Decree Nisi/Decree Final
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
JN v GN [2023] EWFC 24421 November 2023
DJ Hatvany. Final hearing of wife’s financial remedy application in a small money case.
- Cases
- Mortgages
- Housing Need
- Conduct
- Delay
- Costs
- Inheritance
HAT v LAT [2023] EWFC 16229 September 2023
Peel J. Application by W for MPS and LSPO where the parties had entered into and implemented a Deed of Separation 30 years ago.
- Cases
- Agreements
- Maintenance Pending Suit
- Delay
- Legal Services Payment Orders
AFW v RFH [2023] EWFC 11920 July 2023
Recorder Laura Moys. Enforcement of order for sale and PSO.
- Cases
- Chattels
- Sale of Property
- Anonymity
- Variation of an Order
- Delay
- Costs
- Variation Applications
- Valuations
- Enforcement
- Non-Compliance
H v W [2023] EWFC 12014 July 2023
HHJ Reardon KC. This case concerns cross-applications regarding a final financial remedy order made in May 2021 (the 2021 order) by Recorder Anderson. This included an application by H for a further lump sum to compensate him for losses due to W’s a…
- Cases
- 'Thwaite Jurisdiction'
- Conduct
- Delay
- Costs
- Striking Out Applications
- Cross-Applications
- Compensation Principle
- Enforcement
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
DR v UG [2023] EWFC 685 April 2023
Moor J. The parties were Danish. H was aged 57 and W aged 49. Children aged 18, 16, and 16. Married 2004, marriage broke down in 2019.H was CEO of a drugs manufacturer but staged a management buy-out which gave him 70% shares. His purchase was funded…
- Cases
- Sharing Principle
- Special Contribution
- Delay
- Valuations
RL v NL [2023] EWFC 759 May 2023
HHJ Madeleine Reardon KC. Striking out of Husband’s application to set aside a financial remedy order made in 1995. The FR order provided that H was to transfer his interest in FMH to W and thereafter there was to be a clean break, but the transfer…
- Cases
- Delay
- Striking Out Applications
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
WD v MH [2022] EWFC 16218 November 2022
Mr Recorder Rhys Taylor. H was 66 and W 61. Short marriage.Within judicial separation proceedings (although neither party could confirm why such were preferred to divorce), the parties agreed (the 2008 Agreement), inter alia, the following:H to pay W a lu…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Delay
- Costs