HO v TL (Costs) [2023] EWFC 2161 December 2023
Peel J. Costs judgment in relation to the FR proceedings.
- Cases
- Costs
BR v BR [2024] EWFC 1130 January 2024
Peel J. When should a single joint expert (SJE) be instructed rather than two or more separately instructed experts in financial remedy proceedings?
- Cases
- Experts
- Costs
- Business Assets
- Valuations
- First Appointments
The Threat of Adverse Costs Orders in Financial Remedy Cases Has Just Got Higher – Peel J in HO v TL
Peel J’s substantive judgment in HO v TL [2023] EWFC 215 is a compelling masterclass in addressing principle, guidance and the clear disposal of a smorgasbord of financial remedy issues within a must-read 27-page judgment for matrimonial finance practitioners.
- Blog
- Costs
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AXA v BYB (QLR: Financial Remedies) [2023] EWFC 251 (B)18 December 2023
Recorder Rhys Taylor. First example of a Qualified Legal Representative (QLR) being used in a financial remedy proceedings.
- Cases
- Disclosure
- Spousal Maintenance (Quantum)
- Qualified Legal Representative
- Costs
- Debts
Guideline Hourly Rates on Costs
In H v GH [2023] EWFC 235 Simon Colton KC, sitting as a deputy High Court judge, struck out a husband’s application to extend payment of a lump sum for two years. When he then proceeded to summarily assess the costs he raised with the parties the relevance, or not, in the Family Court, of the guideline hourly rates (GHR) published as part of the Guide to the Summary Assessment of Costs.
- Blog
- Guideline Hourly Rates
- Costs
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JN v GN [2023] EWFC 24421 November 2023
DJ Hatvany. Final hearing of wife’s financial remedy application in a small money case.
- Cases
- Mortgages
- Housing Need
- Conduct
- Delay
- Costs
- Inheritance
H v GH [2023] EWFC 2357 December 2023
Simon Colton KC. Strike out of an application to extend time for payment of a lump sum.
- Cases
- Extension of Time
- Lump Sum
- Guideline Hourly Rates
- Costs
- Masefield v Alexander
- Striking Out Applications
Y v Z [2023] EWFC 20526 October 2023
HHJ Hess. H and W divorced in 2013 following a 14-year marriage. H had maintained a successful career working in business finance.
- Cases
- Costs
- Variation Applications
- Capacity
- Litigation Friend
Seales v Seales (Ancillary Relief: Murder and Coercive Control as Conduct) [2023] NIMaster 629 August 2023
Ancillary relief application in which the W was seeking to run a ‘conduct case’ based, in part, on the H’s conviction for murder.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Costs
- Add-Backs
JD v RMD [2023] EWFC 12514 July 2023
DDJ Hodson. A financial remedy application where the debts and costs exceeded the assets.
- Cases
- Costs
- Debts