Business Valuation
WX v HX [2023] EWFC 279 (B)21 December 2023
Mr Recorder Day’s judgment in a case involving complex procedural history, intervenors, non-disclosure and a ‘fragile’ business valuation. Of note is Recorder Day’s inclusion of his earlier decision to refuse a Hadkinson order. The judgment sets out the law of financial remedies clearly and succinctly: it should be mandatory reading for pupils/trainees.
- Cases
- Hadkinson Orders
- Disclosure
- Costs
- Business Valuation
- Valuations
- Intervenors
A Practical Guide on How to Select your Expert, Reviewing the Expert's Report and When to Consider Engaging a Shadow Expert
Fiona Hotston Moore is an accredited expert witness, instructed on 40–50 matrimonial cases each year. A significant number of these instructions are as single joint expert or party expert providing an opinion on the valuation of a business or shareholding. This article shares her practical guidance as a valuation expert for family lawyers and barristers.
- Journal
- Experts
- Business Valuation
!22/11/2024 06:00
Money Corner: EBITDA – The Valuer’s Measure of Profit
EBITDA – the valuer’s measure of profit, and other measures that may be considered.
- Journal
- Revenue
- Single Joint Experts
- Profit
- Market Value
- Business Valuation
- Market Approach
- Valuations
!22/11/2024 06:00
Tech Corner: Separate Space – How Tech can be Leveraged to Bridge the Access to Justice Gap
In this article, Victoria Nottage and Amanda Bell argue that not only will technology bring positive changes to the ways that lawyers provide services to their clients, it also presents exciting opportunities to bridge the long-standing gap in access to justice.
- Journal
- Business
- Companies
- Business Assets
- Business Valuation
!22/11/2024 06:00
Businesses in Financial Remedy Claims
'Business' is a term that covers a multitude of different structures. The most common are limited companies (whether public or private), partnerships and sole traders. The courts will treat different businesses in different ways.
- Journal
- Sharing Principle
- Business
- Companies
- Business Assets
- Financial Remedies
- Expert Evidence
- Case Management
- Business Valuation
- Valuations
!13/03/2024 07:00
Historical Business Valuations and the Goldilocks Principle: Not Too Much or Too Little but Just the Right Amount of Hindsight
This article compares the attitude taken to the use of hindsight in the commercial courts with that in the family courts.
- Journal
- Business Valuation
!13/03/2024 07:00
Depletion of Business Profits and Assets During Separation and Divorce Proceedings – Would it Have Happened Anyway?
This article is written from the perspective of the business valuation expert. We often see business profits and assets deplete over the period of separation and during divorce proceedings. The question is to what extent this can/could have been controlled by the business owner (and usually shareholder/director in owner-managed businesses) and what was due to circumstances outside their control. Would the depletion of assets and profits have happened anyway if not for the divorce?
- Journal
- Disclosure
- divorce
- Experts
- Business Valuation
- Assets
- Valuations
!27/03/2023 09:17