HD v WB [2023] EWFC 213 January 2023
Peel J. Financial remedy proceedings concerning the circumstances surrounding a PNA and the weight, if any, to be attached to it. Realisable assets almost entirely in W’s name exceeded £43m. H sought for the PNA to be completely disregarded as it was ente…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Costs
- Needs
WD v MH [2022] EWFC 16218 November 2022
Mr Recorder Rhys Taylor. H was 66 and W 61. Short marriage.Within judicial separation proceedings (although neither party could confirm why such were preferred to divorce), the parties agreed (the 2008 Agreement), inter alia, the following:H to pay W a lu…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Delay
- Costs
Collardeau-Fuchs v Fuchs [2022] EWFC 13514 November 2022
Mostyn J. Ultra high net worth financial remedies where there there was a 2014 postnuptial agreement (a 2012 prenup modified after marriage). H was a billionaire real estate developer and parties ‘lived a billionaire lifestyle’.PNA created separate proper…
- Cases
- Secured Provision
- Agreements
- Child Maintenance
- Children Act 1989 Schedule 1 Applications
- Duxbury Capitalisation
CMX v EJX (French Marriage Contract) [2020] EWFC 1362 November 2022
Moor J. The Husband (‘H’) was a 56 year old French national and Chairman of Industrial Investment Banking at bank. The Wife (‘W’) was French/Lebanese/British, 54 years old and had a successful career in the bottled water industry. They lived in England.Mr…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Pensions on Divorce
- Needs
Pierburg v Pierburg [2022] EWHC 2701 (Fam)9 September 2022
Facts Moor J (‘the judge’) dealt with an application made by Clarissa Gisela Pierburg (‘W’) for financial provision after an overseas divorce pursuant to Part III of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984. The respondent was Jurgen Pierburg (‘H’)…
- Cases
- Repudiation
- Agreements
- Jurisdiction
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
Cazalet v Abu-Zalaf [2022] EWFC 11917 October 2022
Mostyn J. W’s application for (i) the recission of decree nisi, (ii) the dismissal of the underlying divorce petition and (iii) the set aside of the financial order made subsequent to that. The parties had been the subject of Mostyn J’s judgment of BN v M…
- Cases
- Duration of the Marriage
- Agreements
- Setting Aside a Decree Nisi
- Rescission of Divorce Decree
SC v TC [2022] EWFC 6720 May 2022
HHJ Hess.Financial remedies case involving postnuptial agreement, in which H had, in the face of a foreshortened life expectancy caused by Parkinson’s disease, voluntarily relinquished his clear entitlement both to sharing and to a needs-based award…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Impaired Life Expectancy
IR v OR [2022] EWFC 2029 March 2022
Mr Justice Moor.High net worth case, judge found total net assets to be £184.6m. H had spent c.12 years as CEO, and then became Executive Chairman, of his father’s retail company which had been set up in the 1950s. Prior to marriage, H had worked in the f…
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Agreements
Traharne v Limb [2022] EWFC 2731 March 2022
Cohen J. Final hearing in W’s financial remedies application in which argument centred on a post-nuptial agreement (PNA) entered into by the parties shortly prior to separation. W argued that she had been subjected to coercive and controlling behaviour an…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Conduct
- Costs
- Needs
WC v HC (Financial Remedies Agreement) (Rev1) [2022] EWFC 2222 March 2022
Peel J.W’s financial remedy application resulted in a needs-based award of £7.45m net (c.60%). H was from a very wealthy family, and the parties’ lifestyle had been funded by H’s father via annual gifts which had ceased since the divorce proceedings. A po…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Efficient Conduct
- Prospective Inheritance
- Needs