Lucy Taylor (Coram Chambers)
Published: 10/02/2025 05:59
Lucy Taylor recently joined Coram Chambers as a junior tenant and welcomes instructions in all areas of family law.
Sandeep Kumar Chugh v Latika Chugh [2025] EWFC 424 March 2025
Nicholas Allen KC (sitting as a deputy High Court judge). Final hearing concerning H’s application for recognition of divorce proceedings brought by H in India, and H’s challenge to the jurisdictional basis of divorce proceedings brought in the UK by W.
- Cases
- Family Law Act 1986
- Jurisdiction
- Stay Pending Resolution of Overseas Proceedings
- Stay of Proceedings
- Non-Recognition of Overseas Divorce
- International Enforcement
- Recognition of Indian Divorce
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
CH v TH [2024] EWFC 135 (B)26 April 2024
HHJ Willans. Final hearing in FR proceedings involving parties with widely conflicting views as to the resources available. The outcome was a modest departure from equality with a 53% split in W’s favour.
- Cases
- Procedure
- Litigation Misconduct
- Evidential Issues
- Needs
- Property Particulars
P v Q, R and S [2024] EWFC 164 (B)19 June 2024
District Judge Veal. Final hearing concerning W’s claim in financial remedy proceedings for a beneficial interest in two properties which had been bought and renovated by H and the intervenors, H’s parents. District Judge Veal found that W had been dishonest in pursuing her claims and had presented her case in a ‘nebulous way’ which must have felt ‘like a real slap in the face’ for the intervenors.
- Cases
- TOLATA Claims
- Anonymity and Transparency
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Trusts