Lady Brenda Hale
Published: 22/05/2024 09:10
Lady Hale is a former President of the Supreme Court and well-known family lawyer.
Published: 22/05/2024 09:10
Lady Hale is a former President of the Supreme Court and well-known family lawyer.
The duty of disclosure and its proactive nature runs through financial remedy proceedings like letters through a stick of seaside rock. It appears on the face of the Form E. It has been set out in numerous cases.
!19/12/2024 11:39
HHJ Booth. Appeal from a final order in a modest asset case, in which the court was tasked with balancing the needs of a party suffering from a serious disability and the needs of the primary carer of the children of the family.
Landmark decision where Court of Appeal reduces W’s award by £20 million. Lord Justice Moylan, Lady Justice King and Lord Justice Phillips.
At the end of term, the High Court handed down judgment in a challenging case, whose solution lay in the application of a much-forgotten 53-year-old judgment of the ‘pirate-like’ Sir Jocelyn Simon P to seemingly irresolvable issues caused by errors in the digitalisation of the divorce process.
!06/01/2025 11:03
The publication of the Pension Advisory Group (PAG2) guidance in December 2023 marked the end of another lengthy and significant piece of interdisciplinary work by experienced practitioners in the field of pensions on divorce. The aim of this piece is to focus just on the material changes in what is now referred to as the PAG2 guide.
!22/01/2024 11:43