Krishma Patel
Published: 19/04/2022 11:05
Krishma Patel is a barrister at 42 Bedford Row. She has a particular interest in private children law and financial remedy work and is currently building her practice with a focus on these areas.
Ralph v Given [2022] EWHC 2395 (KB)23 September 2022
Freedman J. Claimant’s application for summary judgment in relation to application to deliver up an Aston Martin DBX and a Range Rover Sport or damages for conversion. C argued these were gifts. The claimant (C) and defendant (D) were engaged, but separat…
- Cases
- Chattels
- Gifts
- Cohabitation
- Summary Judgment
D (A Child) (Appeal from the Registration of a Maintenance Order) [2022] EWCA Civ 64111 May 2022
Lord Justice Lewison, Lord Justice Moylan and Lord Justice Baker.Case concerning the extent of the right to appeal from the registration in England and Wales of a foreign child maintenance order.M and F were married in the USA but made their home in Engla…
- Cases
- Jurisdiction
- Child Maintenance
- Appeals
- International Enforcement
Ali v Dinc & Anor [2022] EWCA Civ 3421 January 2022
Lord Justice Green, Lord Justice Birss and Lady Justice Whipple.The claim concerned the transfer of properties between the parties and the dispute that arose as to the terms of that arrangement. At trial, the judge rejected key aspects of each party’s cas…
- Cases
- Appeals