Emily Lennon
Published: 28/10/2024 10:48
Emily Lennon is a current pupil barrister at 1 Hare Court and has been involved in financial remedy and private children work as a paralegal in a leading solicitors’ firm in London. Prior to this, Emily studied jurisprudence at the University of Oxford.
QW v GH [2025] EWFC 19 (B)31 January 2025
DJ Worthley. Final hearing in a financial relief claim brought by W 8 years after the parties separated.
- Cases
- Post-Separation Accrual
- Jurisdiction
- Delay
HJB v WPB [2024] EWFC 18710 July 2024
HHJ Vincent. Preliminary hearing to determine whether parties should be held to a separation agreement. Agreement found to be ‘presumptively dispositive’. An agreement will not be unpicked merely because a business has thereafter performed well.
- Cases
- Disclosure
- Agreements