Austin v Haynes [2021] EWCA Civ 191915 December 2021
Published: 25/02/2022 09:00
Moylan LJ (judgment), Underhill LJ and Davies LJ. The Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal against, inter alia, (a) an interim charging order to enforce arrears of sums due under a consent order in Schedule 1 proceedings; and (b) an order varying an obligation under the consent order to provide a 'housing fund' by inserting a date for payment. The relevant provisions of the consent order were recorded as agreements, and the judgment provides a helpful summary at [23] and [84] on enforcement of recitals. The Court of Appeal rejected arguments that there had been any procedural impropriety – with a warning to practitioners to raise such points at first instance – and held that the orders made were not wrong in law or principle.