Alexandra Hampton | Assistant Case Editor
Published: 09/02/2022 12:19
Alex is a junior barrister at Queen Elizabeth Building. She is building a practice across the full spectrum of private family law, with a particular focus on financial remedies.
Traharne v Limb [2022] EWFC 2731 March 2022
Cohen J. Final hearing in W’s financial remedies application in which argument centred on a post-nuptial agreement (PNA) entered into by the parties shortly prior to separation. W argued that she had been subjected to coercive and controlling behaviour an…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Conduct
- Costs
- Needs
WC v HC (Financial Remedies Agreement) (Rev1) [2022] EWFC 2222 March 2022
Peel J.W’s financial remedy application resulted in a needs-based award of £7.45m net (c.60%). H was from a very wealthy family, and the parties’ lifestyle had been funded by H’s father via annual gifts which had ceased since the divorce proceedings. A po…
- Cases
- Agreements
- Efficient Conduct
- Prospective Inheritance
- Needs
Re A (Schedule 1, Overspend, Costs Clawback) [2022] EWFC 2121 March 2022
Editor's note: this judgment has been removed from Bailii, possibly because of concerns about jigsaw identification.Recorder Chandler QC.Schedule 1 proceedings in which M sought that F clear all her liabilities and provide additional periodical payments a…
- Cases
- Costs
- Children Act 1989 Schedule 1 Applications
E v B (Interim Maintenance Inaccurate Time Estimate) [2021] EWFC B904 November 2021
Recorder Chandler.W’s application for interim maintenance and costs allowance in proceedings under Part III. Robust assumptions were made about H’s ability to pay, and W was awarded £3,000 pcm interim maintenance. W’s application for a costs allowance was…
- Cases
- Interim Relief
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
- Case Management
- First Appointments
A v M [2021] EWFC 895 November 2021
Mostyn J.H worked in private equity and had set up two funds of his own, W was the beneficiary of valuable trust funds. Mostyn J set out a detailed method for dealing with H’s carried interest (in his view a hybrid resource, neither exclusively return on…
- Cases
- Sharing Principle
- Publicity and Confidentiality
- Clean Breaks and Term Maintenance
- Costs
- Add-Backs
MG v GM [2022] EWFC 81 March 2022
MPS and LSPO application by W in a case described by Peel J as 'a battle royale' ([3]). Each party denied holding liquid assets, and asserted the other had access to significant wealth. Peel J decided that in these circumstances he must be circumspect. It…
- Cases
- Interim Relief
- Maintenance Pending Suit
- Legal Services Payment Orders
MG v AR [2021] EWHC 3133 (Fam)16 November 2021
Mostyn J.In the first reported judgment on security for costs since the advent of the FPR, Mostyn J gives a helpful review of the applicable principles in family cases. Unlike in civil case law, he considers that the rarity of costs orders requires the co…
- Cases
- Security for costs
- Costs
Aldoukhi v Abdullah [2021] EWHC 3086 (Fam)18 November 2021
Moor J.W’s applications under TOLATA and Part III MFPA concerning three properties in London. H and W were Kuwaiti nationals. W had received a financial award from the Kuwait Court in 2019.This appears to be the first reported case where jurisdiction was…
- Cases
- TLATA Applications
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
L v L [2021] EWFC B835 November 2021
HHJ Booth.Equal sharing of a combined c.£24m interest in a business acquired from H’s father prior to the 19-year marriage held to apply. H’s shareholding was restructured 3 years prior to separation. The character of this restructuring, which had provide…
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Companies
- Costs
Austin v Haynes [2021] EWCA Civ 191915 December 2021
Moylan LJ (judgment), Underhill LJ and Davies LJ. The Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal against, inter alia, (a) an interim charging order to enforce arrears of sums due under a consent order in Schedule 1 proceedings; and (b) an order varying an obliga…
- Cases
- Variation
- Enforcement