Amy Beddis
Published: 24/01/2022 09:49
Amy is a specialist family barrister at 3PB Chambers. Amy has a particular focus on financial remedy work and TLATA matters. Amy regularly presents at webinars, conferences and often edits the 3PB family law newsletter. She looks forward to blogging on all things matrimonial finance as well as providing practical tips and hints along the way.
At A Glance Conference 2024: Conference Report
A report from the At A Glance Conference 2024, the flagship financial remedy conference which took place on Wednesday 9 October 2024, chaired by Peel J.
- Blog
- At A Glance
!16/10/2024 11:00
Limited Assets in Difficult Times
You will often hear lawyers and judges commenting on how difficult it is to resolve financial remedy applications where there isn’t a lot of money. Trying to make two homes out of one is sometimes impossible. There are some important things to consider when you are looking at cases with limited assets and some pitfalls to avoid. This is a whistle-stop tour of some of those legal and practical issues.
- Blog
- Assets
!10/05/2024 10:53
At a Glance Conference
On 11 October 2023 financial remedy practitioners from around the country attended the epic Class Legal At a Glance annual conference, sponsored by 3PB Barristers. A report from Amy Beddis.
- Blog
- At A Glance
!13/10/2023 11:28
Time to have your say!
The early resolution of private family law arrangements consultation is currently open for comments until 25 May 2023. It is an important opportunity to respond to possible rule changes to aid promotion of early and out of court resolution in money and private law children cases.
- Blog
- Blog
- Out of Court Dispute Resolution Options
- Family Procedure Rules
!05/04/2023 09:20
The Mini-Budget Economic Crisis – What Does This Mean for Financial Remedy Applications?
So, what does the current crisis mean for people who have just settled their financial remedy claims, and what does it mean for those currently being processed by the system?
- Blog
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
!30/09/2022 10:34
Armed Forces Pension Scheme: Points to Consider…
I am often instructed in cases involving military professionals which, in turn, encompass armed forces pensions. There are additional issues to consider in these cases which often add another level of complexity. Here, I flag up some issues which I often…
- Blog
- Pensions on Divorce
!30/03/2022 07:00