TI v LI [2024] EWFC 163 (B)21 June 2024
Recorder Allen KC. Recognition of Pakistani divorce.
- Cases
- Jurisdiction
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
MR v EF [2024] EWFC 144 (B)20 June 2024
Recorder Rhys Taylor in financial remedy proceedings makes findings in favour of the wife as to the date of separation of the parties.
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Duration of the Marriage
P v Q, R and S [2024] EWFC 164 (B)19 June 2024
District Judge Veal. Final hearing concerning W’s claim in financial remedy proceedings for a beneficial interest in two properties which had been bought and renovated by H and the intervenors, H’s parents. District Judge Veal found that W had been dishonest in pursuing her claims and had presented her case in a ‘nebulous way’ which must have felt ‘like a real slap in the face’ for the intervenors.
- Cases
- TOLATA Claims
- Anonymity and Transparency
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Trusts
RN v TT [2024] EWFC 264 (B)14 June 2024
HHJ Hess. W (51) and H (49) cohabited in a flat in W’s sole name from late 2003 and married in 2004. W was a GP. H was a former painter and decorator.
- Cases
- Pensions on Divorce
- Delay
- Needs
EC v JC [2024] EWFC 175 (B)13 June 2024
DJ Hatvany. Final financial remedies hearing in a where the assets were modest. The parties were married for 11 years and had twin boys aged 9. An unfortunate feature of this case was that both parties had incurred large costs, which would make clearing their debt on both sides and enabling both parties to rehouse in a three-to-four-bedroom properties close to the boy’s school problematic.
- Cases
- Housing Need
- Spousal Maintenance (Quantum)
- Litigation Funding
- Costs
- Debts
- Modest Asset Cases
- Needs
WXT v HMT (leave to claim financial relief following overseas divorce) [2024] EWFC 136 (B)7 June 2024
HHJ Vincent. The case concerned an application by W for leave to make a claim for financial relief following an overseas divorce under Part III of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984.
- Cases
- Part III
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
- Leave Application
AH v BH [2024] EWFC 1257 June 2024
Peel J final hearing judgment in high-net-worth FR case in which the parties had entered into a pre-nuptial agreement which purported to ‘severely limit W’s financial remedy claims in her own right and the financial needs of W and the children’.
- Cases
- Spousal Maintenance (Quantum)
- Agreements
- Needs
DH v RH (No 4) (Costs) [2024] EWFC 11424 May 2024
MacDonald J. Costs judgment following hearing in contentious case involving costs amounting to 23% of the assets.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Costs
- Add-Backs
NA v LA [2024] EWFC 11324 May 2024
Nicholas Allen KC sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge. A ‘paradigm’ case for the court to exercise its new powers under FPR 3.4 to stay proceedings for the parties to engage in NCDR.
- Cases
- Stay of Proceedings
NW v BH [2024] EWFC 118 (B)23 May 2024
Recorder Rhys Taylor. Evidentially complex final hearing in needs-based case involving verbal Daniels v Walker application, abandoning of SJE report, disclosure inadequacies, and an intervenor being removed.
- Cases
- Disclosure
- Daniels v Walker Application
- Joinder of Third Parties