HHJ Booth. Appeal from a final order in a modest asset case, in which the court was tasked with balancing the needs of a party suffering from a serious disability and the needs of the primary carer of the children of the family.
This is a response to the FRJ blog post by Nicholas Allen KC and Philip Tait, ‘Ma v Roux: Can You Strike Out a Set Aside Application?’ (25 September 2024), which posed the question as to whether the court is empowered to strike out an application to set aside a financial remedy order. In that article the authors carefully set out the background to this issue.
!08/01/2025 13:21
What happens if the Child Maintenance Service has determined that a non-resident parent is required to pay child maintenance to the parent-with-care, but payments are also being made towards the mortgage secured on the property in which PWC still lives with the qualifying child/children? Does it matter if the property is jointly owned by NRP and PWC? Will those mortgage payments reduce the amount of child maintenance?
!29/11/2024 06:00
Landmark decision where Court of Appeal reduces W’s award by £20 million. Lord Justice Moylan, Lady Justice King and Lord Justice Phillips.
As helpfully summarised by Calum Smith on the FRJ website Mostyn J’s judgment in James v Seymour [2023] EWHC 844 (Fam) 675 included a renewed attempt to tackle how Child Maintenance should be calculated, effectively refining the methodology first se…
!29/05/2023 08:00