Universal Credit
An Overview of the Benefits System
Lloyd George, determined to ‘lift the shadow of the workhouse from the homes of the poor’, sought to provide a guaranteed income to the old and infirm.All wage-earners contributed to a health scheme, in return for benefits.Sounds simple. But w…
- Journal
- Means Tested
- Universal Credit
- Welfare Benefits
- Non-Means Tested
!27/03/2023 09:44
The Interplay Between Welfare Benefits and Financial Remedy Orders – A Practitioner’s View
It is now 10 years since the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) came into force. Reflecting back, the obvious impact on my firm’s practice has been the reduction in the number of financial remedy cases we deal with wh…
- Journal
- State Benefits
- Low Income Cases
- Universal Credit
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