Single and Joint: Peel J Discusses Expert Evidence in BR v BR [2024] EWFC 11
In BR v BR [2024] EWFC 11, Peel J took the opportunity, in his role as head of the FRC, to ‘do a written judgment as one or two points of principle arise’. Specifically: the use of single joint experts in financial remedy proceedings. This is an important decision informing family lawyers how cases should be conducted.
- Blog
- Single Joint Experts
!03/04/2024 10:25
Clarke v Clarke – A Brave New (Valuation) World
Business valuers are often asked to estimate the value of interests in companies that do not represent the entirety of the company’s share capital. In those cases, the application of an appropriate valuation discount, which accurately reflects the attributes of a subject shareholding can be both a contentious and material issue, with the size (and application) of the assessed discount potentially having a large effect on the overall valuation of an individual’s interest.
- Journal
- Experts
- Discounts
- Valuations
- Forensic Accountants
!27/03/2023 09:16