Rescission of Divorce Decree
Non-matrimonial Assets – The New ‘Conduct’?
In the recent decision of RN v DA [2023] EWFC 255, the court was faced with an application by a wife to rescind a decree nisi that had been pronounced in 2012. The husband, conversely, had applied for the decree to be made absolute.
- Journal
- Decree Nisi/Decree Final
- Rescission of Divorce Decree
!13/03/2024 07:00
RN v DA (Divorce – Rescission of Decree Nisi) [2023] EWFC 25530 November 2023
HHJ Vincent. Final Hearing of cross-applications to either grant a decree absolute out of time or rescind the decree nisi. Addendum judgment on anonymisation.
- Cases
- Decree Absolute Out Of Time
- Publicity and Confidentiality
- Setting Aside a Decree Nisi
- Divorce Orders
- Decree Nisi/Decree Final
- Rescission of Divorce Decree
Cazalet v Abu-Zalaf [2022] EWFC 11917 October 2022
Mostyn J. W’s application for (i) the recission of decree nisi, (ii) the dismissal of the underlying divorce petition and (iii) the set aside of the financial order made subsequent to that. The parties had been the subject of Mostyn J’s judgment of BN v M…
- Cases
- Duration of the Marriage
- Agreements
- Setting Aside a Decree Nisi
- Rescission of Divorce Decree