TYB v CAR (Non-Disclosure) [2023] EWFC 261 (B)16 December 2023
DDJ Hodson. What does the court do with the non-discloser? Final hearing involving a short marriage with a child almost four.
- Cases
- Non-Disclosure
- Adverse Inferences
- Disclosure
- Costs
- Form E
- Needs
- Non-Compliance
Non-disclosure, Occupation Orders and Transfers of Tenancy
When a couple separates, either party may be able to apply for one or both of two powerful property-focused remedies. The first is an occupation order.
- Journal
- Non-Disclosure
- Transfer of Tenancy
- Occupation Orders
!21/11/2023 07:00
Backstrom v Wennberg [2023] EWFC 7928 April 2023
Mr L. Samuels KC, sitting as a deputy High Court judge.The court heard cross applications for financial remedies orders. W issued a notice that H show cause why he should not be held to their pre- and post-marital agreements.H failed to attend the final h…
- Cases
- Non-Disclosure
- Disclosure
- Agreements
HP v AP [2023] EWFC 4931 March 2023
HHJ Willans. Application to set aside a consent order on the basis that the H had failed to refer to two historic loans which were secured against a property in his sole legal name, but his father owned 100% of the beneficial interest. W argued that H…
- Cases
- Non-Disclosure
- Disclosure
- Undue Influence
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)