HHJ Hess. High-profile Schedule 1 Final Hearing between Lauryn Goodman and Kyle Walker in which the judge made transparency orders in accordance with the guidance set out in the Transparency Reporting Pilot for Financial Remedy Proceedings.
Mr Justin Warshaw KC sitting as a Deputy High Court judge. Application for maintenance pending suit, a legal services payment order and an injunction in a high value financial remedy case.
The main focus in cases under Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989 is often on how to meet the housing needs of a child; understandably so, as it is usually the largest cost. It can also be the starting point for settlement as the type of property and loca…
!06/07/2022 07:07
HHJ Moradifar. Application by the husband for an anti-suit injunction to prevent the wife from pursuing, participating or otherwise continuing any applications for periodical payments for the children of the family or any other applications relating to their marriage in the courts of India.
This is sometimes the forgotten tax on divorce. Maybe this is fair enough as there is a pretty clear exemption in tax law that states that stamp duty land tax (SDLT) will not apply to transfers pursuant to divorce.
!10/02/2025 23:53