Litigation Misconduct
Mary-Jane Grace and Ian Douglas Grace [2025] EWFC 37 (B)10 January 2025
HHJ Farquhar. Straightforward financial remedy proceedings continued an additional 2½ years after the agreement at the FDR. Significant litigation misconduct, far beyond acceptable standards, resulting in striking delay and wasted costs orders; criticism also of conduct of W’s solicitor. The judgment provides useful guidance on anonymisation in financial remedy judgments where there is litigation misconduct.
- Cases
- Anonymity and Transparency
- Conduct
- Delay
- Costs
- Litigation Misconduct
CH v TH [2024] EWFC 135 (B)26 April 2024
HHJ Willans. Final hearing in FR proceedings involving parties with widely conflicting views as to the resources available. The outcome was a modest departure from equality with a 53% split in W’s favour.
- Cases
- Procedure
- Litigation Misconduct
- Evidential Issues
- Needs
- Property Particulars
Li v Simons [2023] EWHC 1626 (Fam)30 June 2023
Moor J. Judgment on an appeal against an order made in a variation of maintenance application.The parties reached an agreement settling the financial claims arising out of their marriage in April 2020, and a consent order was made in those terms in July 2…
- Cases
- Spousal Maintenance (Quantum)
- Costs
- Variation Applications
- Appeals
- Litigation Misconduct