Civil Partnerships
FC v WC [2024] EWFC 29121 October 2024
HHJ Vincent sitting as a s 9 Deputy High Court Judge. The parties entered a French form of civil partnership when living in France. After returning to live in England in 2022, they were informed that their dissolution was not capable of recognition under s 235(1) CPA 2004 as at the commencement of their dissolution neither party to the dissolution was a French national and was not resident or domiciled in France.
- Cases
- Experts
- Civil Partnerships
N v J [2024] EWFC 18415 July 2024
Peel J’s view is that it is unlikely that domestic abuse would have a material impact on the vast majority of financial remedy cases, such that it would need to be litigated. Peel J uses the case of N v J to address the interplay between domestic abuse and conduct in the context of financial remedy proceedings.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Civil Partnerships
R (Steinfeld and Keidan) v Secretary of State for International Development [2018] UKSC 3227 June 2018
- Cases
- Civil Partnerships
Lawrence v Gallagher [2012] EWCA Civ 394, [2012] 2 FLR 64329 March 2012
- Cases
- Sharing Principle
- Civil Partnerships