Business Assets
Tech Corner: Separate Space – How Tech can be Leveraged to Bridge the Access to Justice Gap
In this article, Victoria Nottage and Amanda Bell argue that not only will technology bring positive changes to the ways that lawyers provide services to their clients, it also presents exciting opportunities to bridge the long-standing gap in access to justice.
- Journal
- Business
- Companies
- Business Assets
- Business Valuation
!22/11/2024 06:00
Businesses in Financial Remedy Claims
'Business' is a term that covers a multitude of different structures. The most common are limited companies (whether public or private), partnerships and sole traders. The courts will treat different businesses in different ways.
- Journal
- Sharing Principle
- Business
- Companies
- Business Assets
- Financial Remedies
- Expert Evidence
- Case Management
- Business Valuation
- Valuations
!13/03/2024 07:00
BR v BR [2024] EWFC 1130 January 2024
Peel J. When should a single joint expert (SJE) be instructed rather than two or more separately instructed experts in financial remedy proceedings?
- Cases
- Experts
- Costs
- Business Assets
- Valuations
- First Appointments
GA v EL [2023] EWFC 18731 October 2023
Peel J. Daniels v Walker application made by the Wife ('W') at a Pre-Trial Review in financial remedy proceedings.
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Post-Separation Accrual
- Daniels v Walker Application
- Experts
- Business Assets
- Efficient Conduct