AT v BT: The Return of Compensation
In AT v BT [2023] EWHC 3531 Francis J considered what he described (at [4]) as ‘the proper approach of the court to the sharing principle and to the principle of compensation’ given that ‘the husband maintains that this is a pure needs case and the wife asserts that this is a full sharing case’. This led H to offer a lump sum of £3.545m and W to seek a lump sum of £9.145m (with W to retain a property with an agreed value of £195,000 (£190,000 net of notional costs of sale)).
- Blog
- Compensation
- Assets
- Needs
!20/06/2024 19:41
Limited Assets in Difficult Times
You will often hear lawyers and judges commenting on how difficult it is to resolve financial remedy applications where there isn’t a lot of money. Trying to make two homes out of one is sometimes impossible. There are some important things to consider when you are looking at cases with limited assets and some pitfalls to avoid. This is a whistle-stop tour of some of those legal and practical issues.
- Blog
- Assets
!10/05/2024 10:53
Depletion of Business Profits and Assets During Separation and Divorce Proceedings – Would it Have Happened Anyway?
This article is written from the perspective of the business valuation expert. We often see business profits and assets deplete over the period of separation and during divorce proceedings. The question is to what extent this can/could have been controlled by the business owner (and usually shareholder/director in owner-managed businesses) and what was due to circumstances outside their control. Would the depletion of assets and profits have happened anyway if not for the divorce?
- Journal
- Disclosure
- divorce
- Experts
- Business Valuation
- Assets
- Valuations
!27/03/2023 09:17