Anonymity and Transparency
Mary-Jane Grace and Ian Douglas Grace [2025] EWFC 37 (B)10 January 2025
HHJ Farquhar. Straightforward financial remedy proceedings continued an additional 2½ years after the agreement at the FDR. Significant litigation misconduct, far beyond acceptable standards, resulting in striking delay and wasted costs orders; criticism also of conduct of W’s solicitor. The judgment provides useful guidance on anonymisation in financial remedy judgments where there is litigation misconduct.
- Cases
- Anonymity and Transparency
- Conduct
- Delay
- Costs
- Litigation Misconduct
Goodman v Walker [2024] EWFC 212 (B)23 July 2024
HHJ Hess. High-profile Schedule 1 Final Hearing between Lauryn Goodman and Kyle Walker in which the judge made transparency orders in accordance with the guidance set out in the Transparency Reporting Pilot for Financial Remedy Proceedings.
- Cases
- Child Maintenance
- Anonymity and Transparency
- Children Act 1989 Schedule 1 Applications
P v Q, R and S [2024] EWFC 164 (B)19 June 2024
District Judge Veal. Final hearing concerning W’s claim in financial remedy proceedings for a beneficial interest in two properties which had been bought and renovated by H and the intervenors, H’s parents. District Judge Veal found that W had been dishonest in pursuing her claims and had presented her case in a ‘nebulous way’ which must have felt ‘like a real slap in the face’ for the intervenors.
- Cases
- TOLATA Claims
- Anonymity and Transparency
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Trusts
AFW v RFH [2023] EWFC 11920 July 2023
Recorder Laura Moys. Enforcement of order for sale and PSO.
- Cases
- Chattels
- Sale of Property
- Anonymity and Transparency
- Variation of an Order
- Delay
- Costs
- Variation Applications
- Valuations
- Enforcement
- Non-Compliance