Sophia Paraskeva
Published: 27/10/2023 10:33
Sophia Paraskeva is a Pupil at 1 Hare Court.
TI v LI [2024] EWFC 163 (B)21 June 2024
Recorder Allen KC. Recognition of Pakistani divorce.
- Cases
- Jurisdiction
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
Standish v Standish [2024] EWCA Civ 56723 May 2024
Landmark decision where Court of Appeal reduces W’s award by £20 million. Lord Justice Moylan, Lady Justice King and Lord Justice Phillips.
- Cases
- Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Property
- Sharing
- Gifts
- Matrimonialisation
- Tax
- Autonomy
- Trusts
Nazir & Nazir v Begum [2024] EWHC 378 (KB)21 February 2024
Freedman J. A person is not to be regarded as being in adverse possession of an estate when the estate is subject to a trust: see Schedule 6, paragraph 12, to the Land Registration Act 2002. Does this include a situation in which land is held by the personal representatives of a deceased person by virtue of s 33 Administration of Estates Act 1925?
- Cases
- Administration Of Estates
- Land Registration Act 2002
- Intestacy
- Adverse Possession
Wife v Husband [2023] EWFC 273 (B)6 June 2023
DJ Masters. Small money case heard by a district judge. Final hearing where H dissipated inheritance received during the marriage.
- Cases
- Conduct
- Needs
AXA v BYB (QLR: Financial Remedies) [2023] EWFC 251 (B)18 December 2023
Recorder Rhys Taylor. First example of a Qualified Legal Representative (QLR) being used in a financial remedy proceedings.
- Cases
- Disclosure
- Spousal Maintenance (Quantum)
- Qualified Legal Representative
- Costs
- Debts
H v GH [2023] EWFC 2357 December 2023
Simon Colton KC. Strike out of an application to extend time for payment of a lump sum.
- Cases
- Extension of Time
- Lump Sum
- Guideline Hourly Rates
- Costs
- Masefield v Alexander
- Striking Out Applications
FA v OA [2023] EWFC 21311 September 2023
HHJ Vincent. Unsuccessful application under s 37 MCA 1973 to set aside loan agreement as being a sham.
- Cases
- Setting Aside Transactions
Butler v Butler [2023] EWHC 2453 (Fam)24 August 2023
Moor J. Does judge have to satisfy both parties’ needs in a needs case? Appeal in modest asset case where first instance order did not meet W’s needs.
- Cases
- Housing Need
- Needs
AP v BP & Ors (financial remedies & s 37 application to set aside disposition) [2023] EWFC 17029 August 2023
HHJ Vincent. Application by H to set aside dispositions by W of shares to intervenors.
- Cases
- Setting Aside Transactions
- Companies
- Dispositions
- Intervenors