Sir James Munby
Published: 25/02/2022 13:35
Sir James Lawrence Munby is a retired English judge who was President of the Family Division of the High Court of England and Wales.
The Origin, History and Present Status of the Principal Registry of the Family Division
Everyone knows that Baroness Butler-Sloss ascended from the rank of Registrar at Somerset House to President of the Family Division via the High Court and the Court of Appeal. Wikipedia states, ‘She was appointed a Registrar at the Principal Registry of the Family Division in 1970’. We will show that this is not quite right. In 1970 the Principal Registry of the Family Division did not exist.
- Journal
!01/07/2024 07:00
Groundhog Day Again: A Response to The Transparency Reporting Pilot for Financial Remedy Proceedings
Sir James Munby writes about The Transparency Reporting Pilot for Financial Remedy Proceedings.
- Journal
- Transparency
- Publicity and Confidentiality
!26/01/2024 08:00
The Use and Misuse of the Rubric in the Family Courts
In a familiar line of cases of which the first was BT v CU [2021] EWFC 87, [2022] 1 WLR 1349, and the last In re PP (A Child: Anonymisation) [2023] EWHC 330 (Fam), and Augousti v Matharu [2023] EWHC 1900 (Fam), Mostyn J has explosively ignited a most necessary debate about the anonymisation of judgments in financial remedy cases.
- Blog
- Anonymity
- Reporting Restriction Order
!08/01/2024 10:23
Groundhog Day: a Response to the Report of the Financial Remedies Sub-Group of the Transparency Implementation Group
The Financial Remedies Sub-Group of The Transparency Implementation Group, chaired by HHJ Farquhar, has produced its long-awaited Final Report, dated April 2023 but published in May 2023.
- Blog
- Transparency
!06/07/2023 08:46
A 'Magisterial' Judgment – the Highest Praise for Mr Justice Mostyn: a Comment by Sir James Munby
In Mr Justice Mostyn – An Appreciation on His Forthcoming Retirement [2023] FRJ 77 I referred more than once to his important decision in Hasan v Ul-Hasan, decd and another [2021] EWHC 1791 (Fam), [2022] Fam 1, [2022] 1 FLR 1033. I said that he had…
- Blog
!04/07/2023 10:57
Mr Justice Mostyn – An Appreciation on His Forthcoming Retirement
Cruel fate has cut short the judicial career of one of the greatest family lawyers of our times. He explains why in his article, ‘Sir Nicholas Mostyn shares his experience of living with Parkinson’s’ [2023] IFL 67. In the form of a revel…
- Journal
!03/07/2023 08:00
Family Justice: Ostiis Apertis? Or a mantle of inviolable secrecy? A challenge to those who would keep the doors closed
Sir James Munby takes stock of important developments since the President published the outcome of his Transparency Review: Confidence and Confidentiality: Transparency in the Family Courts.
- Blog
- Transparency
!12/01/2023 15:51
Law Commission – Contempt of Court Project: Memorandum by Sir James Munby (26 September 2022)
Sir James Munby raises eight topics which the Law Commission might consider as part of its Contempt of Court Project.
- Blog
- Anonymity
- Contempt
!07/10/2022 13:57
The Origins of the Financial Remedies Court – an Insider’s View (Part 2)
On 29 October 2018, the President announced that, following further consultation, he had given the ‘green light’ for the pilot to start working in each of the additional eight courts I had identified: Financial Remedies Pilot extended [2018] F…
- Journal
!06/07/2022 07:10
Some Sunlight Seeps In
In relation to transparency in the Financial Remedies Court (FRC) there are further signs that the tectonic plates are shifting.
- Journal
- Transparency
!06/07/2022 07:03