Rosie Vorri
Published: 13/03/2024 16:38
Rosie Vorri is a pupil barrister at 29 Bedford Row. Prior to starting pupillage, she was a paralegal at Payne Hicks Beach, gaining experience of financial remedy and private children work.
Till Debt Do Us Part: Bankruptcy and Financial Remedies
Financial remedies practitioners are well-accustomed to advising parties in straitened financial circumstances. Often the central question is how to stretch the available resources to ensure both parties have a roof over their heads. However, when one or both parties find themselves in serious financial difficulty, a less familiar issue may arise: the interplay between the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973.
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- Bankruptcy
!01/10/2024 08:00
Tousi v Gaydukova [2024] EWCA Civ 203
Sir Andrew McFarlane, Moylan LJ and Holroyde LJ. Transfer of tenancy under s 53 of the Family Law Act 1996: an appeal by the Husband of the decision of Mostyn J dismissing his appeal of an order for a transfer of tenancy on the basis that the parties' ‘non-marriage’ status resulted in them being ‘cohabitants’ under paragraph 3 for the purposes of the Act.
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!13/03/2024 22:31