Rhys Taylor | Vice Chair of the Editorial Board & Journal Editor
Published: 13/01/2022 10:51
Rhys Taylor is a barrister at The 36 Group. He is a member of the Family Procedure Rule Committee, the sub-committee of the Online Procedure Rule Committee and the Pension Advisory Group. Bencher of the Inner Temple. Contributing Editor to The Family Court Practice and co-author of Pensions on Divorce: A Practitioner’s Guide. Regular lecturer including to the Judicial College. Rhys is an arbitrator, mediator and a neutral/evaluator in the private FDR setting.
No Special Favours: Litigants in Person and the Financial Remedies Court
Although not impacted in the same way as private law children proceedings by the restrictions on access to justice brought about the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012, which came into force on 1 April 2013, there are many parties who represent themselves in financial remedy proceedings, sometimes due to cost and sometimes by choice.
- Blog
- Litigants in Person
!23/10/2024 10:35
The Art of the Award: Delivering an Arbitral Award in a Financial Remedies Case
Like advocacy, award writing is a solitary and idiosyncratic art. No doubt others use different brush strokes. These are Rhys Taylor's tips for award writing.
- Blog
- arbitration
!05/09/2024 11:00
NCDR Redux: The Impact of October’s CPR Amendments
One of the changes to the FPR 2010 made when the material parts of the Family Procedure (Amendment No 2) Rules 2023 came into force on 29 April 2024 was an amendment to r 28.3(7) which by the insertion of a new (aa)(ii) makes ‘any failure by a party, without good reason, to attend non-court dispute resolution’ a basis to depart from the general starting point that there should be no order as to costs.
- Blog
!16/08/2024 08:00
Tech Corner: Ethical AI for Family Lawyers
A conversation between Kay Firth-Butterfield and Rhys Taylor.
- Journal
- Tech Corner
- AI
- Professional Ethics
!01/07/2024 07:00
Revised Finance Pre-Action Protocol
On 29 April 2024 important changes were made to FPR Part 3 and Part 28 to promote non-court dispute resolution (NCDR). To support these changes the pre-action protocol (PAP) annexed to FPR PD 9A has also been updated.
- Blog
!30/05/2024 09:31
D(R) Day: Today’s Changes to FPR Parts 3 and 28
FPR Part 3 has historically been underused. This may change as important revisions to both FPR Part 3 and Part 28 come into effect, on 29 April 2024, when the material parts of the Family Procedure (Amendment No 2) Rules 2023 (SI 2023/1324) come into force.
- Blog
- Family Procedure Rules
!29/04/2024 07:00
Interview with Hilary Woodward
Rhys Taylor interviews Hilary Woodward, a former solicitor and mediator, academic and the about to retire CEO of the Pension Advisory Group.
- Journal
- Pensions on Divorce
- Interview
!13/03/2024 07:00
Financial Dispute Revolution? The Family Procedure (Amendment No 2) Rules 2023
There was a time when an unwritten rule seemed to provide that a marriage could only be described as long once the parties had celebrated their china anniversary and entered a third decade together, but times change, and so eventually do some rules.
- Journal
- Family Procedure Rules
!26/01/2024 08:00
The PAG2 Guide – What Has Changed?
The publication of the Pension Advisory Group (PAG2) guidance in December 2023 marked the end of another lengthy and significant piece of interdisciplinary work by experienced practitioners in the field of pensions on divorce. The aim of this piece is to focus just on the material changes in what is now referred to as the PAG2 guide.
- Blog
- Pensions on Divorce
!22/01/2024 11:43
The Unopposable Application for a Penal Notice
There are relatively few applications for a court order in financial remedy proceedings that cannot be opposed and which are bound to succeed. One is an application for a penal notice.
- Blog
- Penal Notices
!18/01/2024 17:00