Pensions Offsetting: a new chapter? An introduction to the Galbraith Tables

Published: 30/03/2022 14:42

Watch the recording of 'Pensions Offsetting: a new chapter? An introduction to the Galbraith Tables' first broadcast on Wednesday 30th March 2022.

Offsetting of pension rights on divorce using non-pensions assets is a tried and tested remedy, but one which has often created pitfalls for practitioners. Many of the issues faced relate to how pension rights might be valued in a fair and consistent manner, with actuarial expert assistance often being imperative in such cases. However, Jonathan Galbraith and Chris Goodwin of Mathieson Consulting Limited are two experienced actuaries who have produced the Galbraith Tables, a new resource that is expected to prove invaluable to family law practitioners who are wanting to gain a steer on the values of pension benefits held by divorcing parties. Jonathan and Chris explain the background to the tables and how these might be used by practitioners.

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