Henry Hood
Published: 04/06/2023 09:28
Henry Hood is a leading family lawyer in London with over 20 years of specialist experience.
Henry is ranked as a leading individual in Chambers HNW and the Legal 500, and is a member of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL). He is an accredited Resolution specialist in financial provision and private children law, an arbitrator, collaborative lawyer and a Resolution-accredited mediator. He has extensive experience in complex financial claims involving substantial wealth and diverse assets. His clients include UHNW individuals and their spouses, ranging from bankers, entrepreneurs, senior lawyers and substantial property owners.
Henry offers a 'one couple, one lawyer' service, called Resolve at Hunters, for separating couples looking to work together to reach an amicable settlement.
Notionally Flawed? Notional Assessments in LSPO Applications
The past weeks have brought two more High Court judgments considering the practice of deducting a percentage from an LSPO applicant’s costs provision by way of a ‘notional standard assessment’.
- Blog
- Legal Services Payment Orders
!11/07/2024 18:37
The Intersection Between LSPOs and Economic Abuse
Recent years have seen increasing awareness of economic abuse, and how the financial remedy process can be manipulated as a tool of such abuse. However, one aspect of this has had little attention: the intersection between economic abuse and LSPOs.
- Blog
- Domestic Abuse
- Legal Services Payment Orders
!08/02/2024 11:39
In their recent article for the Financial Remedies Journal, ‘Living under an LSPO’, Amy Scollan and Henry Hood explored the many challenges of those operating under a Legal Services Payment Order and the need for Court of Appeal guidance. The recent judgment in DH v RH [2023] EWFC 111 creates further cause for concern.
- Blog
- Legal Services Payment Orders
!21/08/2023 08:08
Living under an LSPO
Life in receipt of an LSPO is no bed of roses. This article reflects on this aspect in the context of the developing jurisprudence on such orders and to anticipate developments that might be required to make them manageable.
- Journal
- Legal Services Payment Orders
!05/06/2023 09:00