Elizabeth Bowden
Published: 03/04/2024 10:37
Elizabeth Bowden is a barrister at College Chambers. She specialises in financial remedies, including TOLATA matters. Elizabeth particularly enjoys cases that overlap family / civil / Court of Protection. She is passionate about helping people find solutions.
Rotenberg v Rotenberg & Ors [2024] EWFC 18515 July 2024
Peel J accepts the existence of the Thwaite jurisdiction. Where the landscape on the ground was very different from that which was envisaged at the time of the order an executory order could be reframed under the Thwaite jurisdiction. The jurisdiction should be used sparingly.
- Cases
- 'Thwaite Jurisdiction'
VS v OP (Litigation Misconduct, Quasi-Inquisitorial Approach and Inferences) [2024] EWFC 190 (B)18 July 2024
Recorder Chandler KC’s final order was 67% to H and 33% to W, the non-compliant party, and an SPP order in W’s favour even though she did not attend, had not made full disclosure and adverse inferences had been made.
- Cases
- Disclosure
- Costs
Simon v (1) Simon (2) Integro Funding Limited (‘Level’) [2024] EWFC 1602 July 2024
Peel J. The last instalment in the *Simon v Simon & Level* family court litigation. Level’s civil claim is yet to be determined. Peel J found that the family court cannot make a distributive order upon application of an intervenor to require one party to pay the other party such sum as the third-party intervenor says it is entitled to.
- Cases
- Litigation Funding
- Joinder of Third Parties
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
Gudmundsson v Lin [2024] EWHC 1576 (Fam)21 June 2024
Peel J does his best to put into practice the intention of the original financial remedies order, despite H depriving W of 50% of the FMH by not informing the court that there was a bankruptcy order.
- Cases
- Bankruptcy
Brown v Brown [2024] EWFC 181 (B)26 April 2024
DJ Dodsworth. A useful insight to a district judge level approach to contempt proceedings in financial remedies. H’s failure to file a Form E and CETV for pension.
- Cases
- Committal Applications and Judgment Summonses
Potanina v Potanin [2021] EWCA Civ 70213 May 2021
King, David Richards and Moylan LJJ. The second in the trio of Potanina v Potanin decisions, these case summaries should be read in order. This one is the Court of Appeal decision where Lady Justice King handed down the unanimous decision, allowing W’s appeal against Mr Justice Cohen’s order setting aside the grant of leave to bring a claim under Part III of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984.
- Cases
- Spousal Maintenance (Quantum)
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
Potanin v Potanina [2019] EWHC 2956 (Fam)8 November 2019
Cohen J. The first in the trio of Potanina v Potanin decisions.
- Cases
- Spousal Maintenance (Quantum)
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
TY v XA [2024] EWFC 9624 April 2024
Moor J. Ripples from the decision in Potanin v Potanina [2024] UKSC 3. Mr Justice Moor reiterated that Potanin had not changed the basic test for the grant of leave to apply for financial relief under Part III, which should from now on be on notice. The test is as set out at section 13 of the 1984 Act. Potanin had stated that applying a test based on ‘compelling reasons’ or ‘knock-out blow’ was wrong.
- Cases
- Overseas Divorce and the 1984 Act
- Appeals
GW v GH [2023] EWFC 298 (B)12 October 2023
District Judge Napier held that the best interests of the children were the first but not the only consideration in MRC 1973 s 25. The CAO had not specified ‘private’ education, and the FRC should not prioritise private education to the detriment of other emotional and physical needs of the children. The judge refused to make a school fees order to ‘encourage’ the trustees to pay school fees.
- Cases
- Costs
- Trusts
Hyslop v Hyslop 2DS 2022/13 & 2DS 2023/0312 July 2023
Judge of Appeal Cross KC, Acting Deemster Horton KC, and Deemster Corlett. Michael Horton KC, one of three Deemsters sitting in the Staff of Government Division in the Isle of Man High Court (‘appeal court’), grapples with an appeal regarding an impossible PSO where the intended recipient of the pension benefits has remarried. The appeal court also addressed the Isle of Man/England and Wales pension lacuna, mutual mistake, the remarriage trap, and the lower court's wrongful declaration of trust to remedy the impossible PSO.
- Cases
- Pensions on Divorce
- Appeals
- Setting Aside Orders (Including Barder Applications)
- Trusts