Beth Payne
Published: 16/10/2023 11:20
Beth Payne is a pupil at QEB. Prior to this, she worked at the Law Commission as a research assistant, on the project team for the financial remedies on divorce scoping project.
T v B [2024] EWHC 3251 (Fam)8 November 2024
Trowell J. Application by the wife to continue a Hemain injunction made at short notice against the husband. H applied to set aside the injunction made.
- Cases
- Injunctions
- Jurisdiction
- Hemain
- Foreign Divorce
HK v SS [2025] EWFC 5 (B)14 January 2025
HHJ Simmonds, National Lead Judge for Divorce. Guidance on when a delay between conditional order being made, and application for a final order, is delay sufficient to cause the court to question whether a final order should be made.
- Cases
- Setting Aside a Decree Nisi
- Divorce Orders
Financial Remedies: The Law Commission’s Scoping Project
On 4 April 2023, the Law Commission announced that it would be undertaking a project to review the current law governing financial remedies on divorce or dissolution of civil partnership.The purpose of the project is to determine whether there are problems with the current law that require reform, and what the options for reform might look like.
- Journal
- Financial Remedies
!21/11/2023 07:00