Aspects of businesses: valuation, remuneration and tax

Published: 28/04/2022 08:39

Businesses are a regular feature in financial remedy cases – but issues such as how privately owned ones should be valued (both now and historically), how deferred remuneration should be treated, and the tax treatment of their value and the income they generate are far from straight-forward. Sofia Thomas (Thomas Consulting) chaired a panel discussion with Nicholas Allen QC (29 Bedford Row), Joe Rainer (Queen Elizabeth Building), and Thomas Rodwell (Rodwell Disputes Advisory) on Wednesday 27th April 2022 to offer some answers.

The Speakers

Sofia Thomas, Thomas Consulting Sofia Thomas is co-author of Tax Implications on Family Breakdown and a leading expert in tax on divorce and separation. Sofia is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation.

Nicholas Allen QC, 29 Bedford Row Barrister and Joint Head of Chambers at 29 Bedford Row (London). Door Tenant at St. Ives (Birmingham). IFLA arbitrator and PFDR/ENE tribunal. Appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2018 and a Deputy High Court Judge in 2021 (previously Recorder of the Family Court from 2016). Bencher of the Middle Temple. Editor of the family law chapters of Foskett on Compromise (Ninth Edition, 2019). Regular lecturer including at the Judicial College.

Joe Rainer, QEB Joe is a junior barrister at QEB. He has a specialist matrimonial practice, with a focus on financial remedies and cases brought under TLATA 1996. He has appeared in several well-known reported cases and writes and lectures frequently on a variety of topics.

Thomas Rodwell, Rodwell Disputes Advisory Thomas Rodwell is a forensic accountant and business valuation expert who provides economic and financial advice. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Society of Share and Business Valuers. He is regularly appointed as an expert to opine on issues of finance and valuation and is the founding member of Rodwell Disputes Advisory (RDA), a leading boutique advisory practice for commercial and matrimonial disputes.

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